The Diabetic Writer

In 2014, at the age of 59, PD McCloud received life-altering news during a routine physical exam required by the U.S. Department of Transportation—he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

For over 21 years, PD had enjoyed a fulfilling career as an over-the-road truck driver, but the sedentary nature of his job, combined with an unbalanced diet, had taken a toll on his health. By July 2020, the complications from diabetes had become so severe that his medical team warned him that continuing in his current profession would likely lead to his death.

Faced with this stark reality, PD was forced to make the difficult decision to step away from the work he loved. Although reluctant, he recognized that his age and declining health left him with little choice but to retire from the transportation industry.

As time passed, it became painfully clear that the years of inactivity and poor dietary choices had allowed his diabetes to spiral out of control. The oral medications he was prescribed seemed to have little impact, and the consequences were dire. PD narrowly avoided the amputation of his right leg after a small foot sore became dangerously infected. He also developed severe neuropathy, which progressed rapidly, leaving him with no sensation in his legs from the knees down. Adding to these challenges, in the fall of 2022, PD suffered the first of two heart attacks—both directly attributed to his poorly managed diabetes.

Instead of resigning himself to a fate dictated by this chronic disease, PD made a bold decision to fight back. He dedicated himself full-time to researching diabetes, consulting with physicians, dietitians, and endocrinologists to learn how to radically change the trajectory of his health. Through perseverance and significant lifestyle changes, PD has managed to take control of his diabetes, no longer allowing it to dictate his life.

While he acknowledges that some of the damage to his body is irreversible, PD is determined to prevent further deterioration. His mission now is to share his experiences and insights with others as The Diabetic Writer. His goal is to help others avoid the serious complications that can arise from unmanaged diabetes. By sharing his story, he hopes to motivate others to take charge of their health, showing that it’s never too late to make a positiv
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